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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Yellow Mucus in Stool

Yellow Mucus in Stool

In the following article we will focus on why yellow mucus in stool comes about and what one is to do about this condition. We will also learn if this is a dangerous condition to be diagnosed with and what it spells for you. 

Mucus is a clear yellow or white substance that has the consistency of jelly and is produced by the mucus membrane of the large intestine.

Stools can give us an indication of our health―when there is yellow mucus in stool, there is bound to be that worrying being done on your part, and for good reason too. Is it normal to find yellow mucus in the stool? And why does it come about? In this following article, we will try and understand this medical condition in greater detail and look for solutions of the same.

You would not expect that there would be mucus in one's stool, but the fact is that small amounts of mucus in the stool is actually pretty normal. The mucus lines the intestines and colon and helps to keep these organs lubricated along with trapping the bacteria and other waste products―which is the reason why mucus is present in our bodies. Usually, the mucus in the stool, if any, comes about in very small amounts, such that many times it is not even noticeable. When one can notice the mucus―easily and frequently―it means that its production has increased for some reason and it could be indicative of an underlying condition. Let us review the varied causes of the same and provide solutions.

Bacterial Infections

There are some amounts of bacteria that are present in our digestive system, but these do not interfere with the functions of digestion. However, at times, the amount of bacteria can pummel in our systems and cause ill effects on our digestion. To deal with this problem, the body produces more mucus so that it can trap the bacteria. Thus bacterial growth in the digestive system usually leads to an over production of mucus.

Other Infections

There are several such conditions that can lead to the production of mucus and pass it on in the stool. Some of these infections include ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, cystic fibrosis, parasitic infections, and others. Any of these diseases directly affect the stools in a person and determine if there will be mucus present or not.

Digestion Problems

Another very common cause for the presence of mucus in stools is problems in the digestive system. This is one of the most common causes for why there could be mucus in a baby's stool. A child's digestive system is already very delicate and any change in diet, like a switch from the intake of fluids to solids can lead to the corrosion of the GI tract. This factor also makes way for pregnant women because there is already a lot of pressure that is put on their systems. Thus, with any added pressure, there can be an excessive production of yellow mucus. Other than that, gallbladder problems can also lead to the production of mucus in the stool.


Constipation is another major cause that could lead to mucus production. When there is constipation, the body might produce more amounts of mucus so that the hardened stools can be softened. Since a person has not been able to relieve himself for a few days, the production of mucus is done in large quantities and that is what will show through. While this condition can affect anyone, it has been seen that pregnant women are more likely to suffer from constipation.


Candida is a type of yeast infection that develops in the digestive tract. Most commonly it leads to constipation that is brought on by fungal overgrowth or leads to inflammation―both these conditions lead to the production of yellow mucus in the stool.


There is a possibility that the emergence of yellow mucus could be an indication of cancer of the digestive tract. However, when the mucus is caused by a serious condition such as this, it does not come about in isolation―it is accompanied by other symptoms as well, the most common being diarrhea. Along with that, there will be other symptoms like flu, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, or constipation. If these symptoms persist, it is important to get them checked immediately to rule out the possibility of cancer.


As is clear, the reasons that can lead to yellow mucus in the stool are varied and can be seen to affect a wide range of groups (babies, pregnant women) it is therefore advisable that one visits their physician when there are repeated instances of mucus in stool. Depending on the underlying reason that has led to this condition, the doctor will find a remedy. This condition can affect a lot of people and it is therefore important to observe the changes in ones routine so that a remedy can be availed of more easily.

Yellow mucus in stool is something that can cause a lot of panic, and with good reason too. But an understanding of the reasons that can lead to it will have helped you understand the condition better. Make sure that if ever you are affected by this condition, you get it checked immediately and start the treatment for the same at the earliest.

Disclaimer - This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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