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Friday, May 30, 2014



One of the most widely favored of the world's fruits, the orange, sweet orange, or round orange, was for many years known as Citrus aurantium var.The orange (specifically, the sweet orange) is the fruit of the citrus species Citrus × sinensis in the family Rutaceae The fruit of the Citrus sinensis is considered a sweet orange, whereas the fruit of the Citrus aurantium is considered a bitter orange. The orange is a hybrid, possibly between pomelo (Citrus maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata), which has been cultivated since ancient times.
Oranges are modified berries, and belong to a group of citrus fruits called the hesperidium. There are over 600 varieties of oranges, with some of the popular varieties being pineapple oranges, temple oranges, Washington navel, Valencia, etc.


Navel oranges are named that because of the belly-button formation opposite the stem end. The bigger the navel in an orange, the sweeter it will be.

When is an orange green? When it's a Valencia!
Sometimes warm weather causes the skin to regreen, or reabsorb chlorophyll, giving it a greenish color. But it will still taste great.
Eat oranges and stay young!
Oranges are high in antioxidants, which neutralize the effects of free radicals, unstable oxygen molecules in your body, believed to cause aging and some diseases.
Moro oranges are also called blood oranges!
But don't worry. That's just because the pulp is bright red. They're really a sweet treat.
After chocolate and vanilla, orange is the world's favorite flavor.
Christopher Columbus brought the first orange seeds and seedlings to the New World on his second voyage in 1493.
Oranges are modified berries, and belong to a group of citrus fruits called the hesperidium. There are over 600 varieties of oranges, with some of the popular varieties being pineapple oranges, temple oranges, Washington navel, Valencia, etc.

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus
Species: C. sinensis

Orange Nutritional Information
Oranges are among the most valuable food crops in America. Apart from being the best source of vitamin C, oranges are also a major source of calcium, phosphorous, potassium, citrus acid, beta-carotene, and certain essential aldehydes.

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus
Species: C. sinensis

Orange Nutritional Information
Oranges are among the most valuable food crops in America. Apart from being the best source of vitamin C, oranges are also a major source of calcium, phosphorous, potassium, citrus acid, beta-carotene, and certain essential aldehydes.

The predominant flavonoids present in oranges are Hesperetin and Narigenin, which is a bio-active compound, and acts an antioxidant and immunomodulator. These antioxidants neutralize the effects of free radicals and unstable oxygen molecules in the body. This helps in slowing the process of aging, and gives you a younger looking skin. It also helps in curbing diseases by increasing the immunity level of the body.

Oranges are also rich in Vitamin A, and other antioxidants like alpha and beta carotenes, beta-cryptoxanthin, zea-xanhin, and lutein. Vitamin A helps in maintaining a healthy mucous membrane and skin. It is also one of the most important vitamins to maintain a good eyesight.

Oranges are a good source of fiber. These little marvels of nature are fat-free, sodium-free, and cholesterol-free. The orange nutritional value further increases due to the presence of thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, and copper. Oranges provide excellent detoxification, as they are acidic, and have a pH value of 2.5-3.0, depending on the age, size, and variety of the fruit.

Oranges are rich in pectin, which is a bulk laxative, and is very effective for overweight individuals. Pectin protects the mucous membrane of the colon by decreasing its exposure to toxic substances. It also binds to the cancer-causing chemicals in the intestine, thus reducing the chances of cancer. Pectin decreases the re-absorption process in the intestine by binding to bile acids.

Orange juice helps in absorption of medicines in the body, thus helping in the biochemical and physiological effects of the medicine. The following table provides the nutritional content of one orange fruit:

Nutrients Value
Energy (kcal) 62
Fiber content (g) 3.1
Ascorbic acid (mg) 70
Folate (mcg) 40
Potassium (mg) 237
Water (%) 87
Protein (g) 1.0
Sugar (g) 10.6
Vit. A (mcg) 2
Vit. C (mg) 49
Vit. B1 (mg) 0.07
Vit. B2 (mg) 0.03
Vit. B6 (mg) 0.06
Vit. E (mg) 0.1

Orange Trivia

Orange is the fourth most popular fruit, and orange juice is the most popular juice in America.
Brazil is the largest producer of oranges in the world.
Florida oranges are greener than the California oranges. The warm night climate in Florida causes the chlorophyll pigments to migrate into the orange peel making it greener.
It is possible for more than one plant to grow from a single seed of orange.
The ripe oranges that are not plucked from trees, may turn green due to a process called re-greening. However, this effect does not hamper the taste and nutritional value.
Oranges contain more fiber than most fruits and vegetables.
Oranges and orange blossoms are a symbol of love.
More orange trees are killed by lightning, than plant diseases.
Oranges were known as the fruits of the Gods. They were often referred as the 'golden apples' that were stolen by Hercules.
There are over 35,000,000 orange trees in Spain.

Just as the color orange is a symbol of vitality, strength and endurance, the orange fruit helps to provide these three properties. However, it is advisable not to consume more than three oranges per day.

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