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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Duck Identification

Duck Identification: Know about the Types of Ducks with Pictures

When we think of ducks, we mostly picture the mallard ducks or those that are found in local ponds. However, know that there are many types of ducks, and Buzzle categorizes them accompanied by their identification features and pictures to help you understand them well.

Did You Know?
Ducks can swim in the water even when the weather is freezing. They have no nerves or blood vessels in their feet. Hence, they never feel hot or cold.

Ducks belong to the Anatidae family of birds. Swans and geese also belong to the same family but are not considered as ducks. Ducks are small or medium-sized water birds, also called waterfowls. They feed on plants, insects, and small fish in the water or around water bodies. They are very adaptable, which shows in their presence in every continent, except Antarctica. Their body has many features that make them adaptable. Their bill has water filtering features that drain the unnecessary water without their food falling down. Their webbed feet help them in paddling or swimming in water. They are preys to many predators like big birds, crocodiles, snakes, foxes, etc.

Ducks are divided into groups as follows:
Dabbling ducks
Perching ducks
Diving ducks
Sea ducks
Whistling ducks

Dabbling ducks    
Dabbling ducks belong to the Anatinae subfamily. These ducks have a distinct feature wherein their legs are positioned in the middle of their underside. Hence, these ducks can balance themselves properly when they are upside-down in the water. They go upside-down, instead of diving, to eat insects or weeds. The position of their legs also help them to walk on land. They have long, tapered wings that make it easy for them to fly just by jumping out of the water and flapping their wings. These birds are mostly seen in shallow waters and float high on the surface of water.

American black duck American wigeon
American Black Duck
Scientific name: Anas rubripes
Region: Northeastern America and Bahamas
Appearance: Dark brown body, black line near eyes, orange feet. The male has a yellow bill, and a female has a dull green bill.

Scientific name: Anas americana
Region: Southwest America and North America
Female: Chestnut breast, grayish brown body, gray-colored head, and a small, black-tipped gray bill.
Male: Pinkish-brown back and breast with a green patch from the eyes to nape and a small, black-tipped white bill.

Eurasian wigeon      Green-winged teal
Scientific name: Anas penelope
Region: Africa, Asia, Europe, and rare in North America
Female: Brown body and a small-tipped light bill.
Male: The non-breeding male looks like the female. But the breeding male has white belly, gray back, and chestnut head with a small, black-tipped light bill.

Scientific name: Anas cyanoptera
Region: Western US
Female: Mottled brown body, pale brown head, and brown eyes.
Male: Cinnamon-red head, neck, breast and belly; brown back, red eyes, yellow legs, and a black bill.

Scientific name: Anas strepera
Region: Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America
Female: Brown body with a white belly and a dark orange-edged bill.
Male: Non-breeding male resembles the female. The breeding male has gray body with chestnut wings and a white speculum.

Mottled Duck
Scientific name: Anas fulvigula
Region: Southeast North America
Appearance: Dark mottled body, light-colored head and neck with orange legs. A green wing patch is seen in both male and female.
Female: Bill is deep or pale orange.
Male: Bill is yellow.

Northern Pintail
Scientific name: Anas acuta
Region: Africa, Asia, North America, and Europe
Female: Whole body is brown in color.
Male: Brown head and neck, white breast, and a tail longer than the female.

Northern Shoveler
Scientific name: Anas clypeata
Region: Asia, Europe, North America and rare in Australia
Female: Body is mottled brown with a long orange bill tinged with gray.
Male: Breeding male has greenish-black head, chestnut belly, white breast, yellow eyes and a black bill. Non-breeding male looks like female but is slightly dark.

Scientific name: Anas platyrhynchos
Region: Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe and America
Female: Mottled brown and black eye-line.
Male: The breeding male has a green head, white collar, gray wings, brown breast and yellowish-orange bill tipped black. The non-breeding ones resemble the female.


Perching ducks belong to the subfamily Cairininae or Cairinini. These ducks are given the name due to their quality of perching on trees. They have qualities of both a shelduck and a dabbling duck. They are often found in inland water sources. They have long claws on their toes.

Wood Duck
Scientific name: Aix sponsa
Region: Caribbean and North America
Female: Yellow and white eye-ring, a stripe running back from the eye and a gray body.
Male: Breeding male is chestnut and green with white stripes. Non-breeding male resembles the female but without the white eye-ring.

Mandarin Duck
Scientific name: Aix galericulata
Region: Asia, Europe, and North America
Female: Gray body, white eye-ring and a stripe running back from the eye, a pale bill with a white tip.
Male: Red green face, purple breast with two white lines, and two orange lines at the back.

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