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Monday, August 18, 2014

Types of Doctors

Types of Doctors
Doctors are considered second to God, who give their best in saving people's lives. There are many types of doctors, who along with saving lives, help us fight various diseases and abnormalities... 

There are different doctors who treat diverse diseases and disorders, according to their specialties. They specialize in one field and carry on their service in the same. They are experts in whatever medical work they carry out. There are doctors who treat and cure eye, ear, teeth, nose, bones, kidneys, or heart problems. Nowadays, since there are different types of diseases and physical and mental health conditions being discovered, doctors are required to get to know more about these newly sprung up diseases. Those treating physical issues might have to work with doctors dealing with mental problems to treat certain patients. Below, we have just sorted out few kinds of doctors found in the medical industry.

Most Common Types of Doctors

These doctors specialize in the prevention and intervention of mental, emotional, or behavioral diseases, and prescribe suitable medicines for various conditions, from depression to schizophrenic psychosis. They are also known as 'head doctors' and undertake psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, and psychoanalysis. These doctors are responsible for dealing with people who are mentally challenged. They check if the mental sickness is because of stress or physical conditions like a tumor in the brain. They conduct a detailed study of emotional problems and assist the patient to treat and cure it. They are in regular contact with patients to know their real state of mind, and then suggest or plan a therapy.

They are medical professionals who treat various kidney disorders, and deal with people who are adverted to them by specialists in internal medicine, when severe kidney disorders are diagnosed. They treat disorders by using medicines, or by removing waste and harmful toxins from the body with specialized medical equipment. If there is a need for a surgery wherein the kidney needs to be replaced or removed, nephrologists initiate the operation. They carry out kidney biopsies which are useful in the diagnosis of several kidney diseases. Nephrologists are soundly established in general medicine too, with a specific concentration in physiological procedures carried out by kidneys. Some are even well versed in biochemistry and the instruments of modern biochemical analysis. A good nephrologist is conversant with the latest computerized diagnostic equipment and kidney dialysis machines.

When one has an eye problem, the first step he has to take is to approach an optometrist who is a health care expert in the field of eye disorders. Optometrists perform thorough testing of the eye and the visual system, determine the nature of problems, and suggest and prescribe appropriate treatment methods. If any pathologic condition is diagnosed after the analysis, they instantly suggest the patient to visit an ophthalmologist for further medical treatments or surgery. These medical professionals even specialize in contact lenses or treating vision problems of children or old people. An optometrist helps patients choose aids for their eyes and makes sure about a good fit and comfort. He is supposed to take up continuing education to get to know technological advancements in the field of human eyesight.

The doctors who cure all types of skin diseases and disorders like acne, psoriasis, and skin cancer; are known as dermatologists. They have a deep understanding about various skin diseases which may affect other parts of the body. Nowadays, many skin complications and allergies are coming into existence, which are being treated and cured by dermatologists. As a result, there are many sub-specialties being opted for by dermatologists; such as cosmetic dermatology, immunodermatology, teledermatology, mohs surgery, and dermatopathology, just to name a few. Dermatologists are proven to be very effective in treating hair fall problems. Today, due to the trend of laser skin surgery, cosmetic dermatology has become one of the top earning professions.

They are adept in the study of nervous system which covers the brain, 'medulla spinalis', and complicated working of the nerve network. They hold an expertise in diagnosing and treating various nervous system diseases. As infections and disorders in any part of the body may lead to severe nervous system complications, neurologists must be well aware of the total functioning of the human body. Few of the most common issues handled by neurologists are severe frequent headaches, stroke, seizures, and sleep disorders. They also address to problems in reflexes, memory, sense of touch, speech, and movement. This doctor has to obtain information of the patient's nervous system by
, MRI, and EEG scans.

This doctor is related to the treatment and cure of all oral complications such as teeth, mouth, and jaw problems. Many people choose a dentist with a general practice for routine checkups, but may need to approach a dentist who is proficient in treating complicated oral disorders in case of problems which may need specialized treatment. Prosthodontists are responsible for straightening of teeth, curing gum problems, carrying out root canal procedures, tooth extraction, and other complicated procedures. Nowadays, cosmetic dentistry is attracting a substantial demand, owing to the desire of people to look good. Dentistry is definitely one of the hottest career platforms in terms of income prospects.

Since the diseases, disorders, and treatments of infants might be different from those of grown-ups, child care demands a totally different approach. A pediatrician is a doctor who is adept in treating health issues in children. He has to be very careful when diagnosing complications and treating children, especially babies. A pediatrician also has to deal with genetic disorders which may affect the child in future. During counseling or treatment, the doctor has to handle the mental state of the child well. They are responsible for treating a wide range of developmental and anxiety issues. These medical personnel might have to work with other doctors for treatment assistance.

One of the highly paid doctors is a cardiologist. A cardiologist is a medical expert who is proficient in finding, treating, and preventing complication in the heart and blood vessels system. He heavily relies on the medical history of patients before diagnosis, since most issues can be found by studying previous medical records. He has to study each case carefully, as the condition is different in every patient. Owing to prevention of further heart problems, he may suggest certain changes in lifestyle. If he is unable to treat the problem using medication and his procedures, he might refer to the case to a cardiovascular surgeon who actually does surgeries. A cardiologist can even opt for pediatric cardiology as a specialization.

The services of an obstetrician or gynecologist are required when there are complications in pregnancy. Due to its demand, a career in obstetrics is probably considered to be in top medical jobs. A majority of obstetricians are also trained in gynecology, thus referred to as OB/GYNs. These medical professionals look after all aspects of childbirth in prenatal and postnatal periods. They also counsel and treat women who have problems in reproductive system or any body part in the female anatomy. Almost all OB/GYNs say that their job is very satisfying as they help pregnant women deal with dangerous problems. Their role can be summed as delivering babies safely and maintaining the mother's health.

Since most doctors work with humans, a veterinarian, also referred to as a vet, diagnoses and treats health issues of animals. These personnel can either choose surgery, dermatology, or medicine as a career specialty. Nevertheless, there are many other specialties such as anesthesiology, animal behavior, internal medicine, nutrition, and surgery. A vet performs pet care tasks; out of which a few are vaccination, wound dressing, treating fractures, dental treatments, and so on. He may have to treat either pets, wild animals in zoos, or cattle and livestock. Vets completely depend on the medical reports of the tests conducted, since animals cannot communicate their present condition.

As you can understand by the name, anesthesiologists are skillful doctors who are responsible for administering anesthesia to the patient prior to any surgery. Surprisingly, doctors as anesthesiologists are believed to be the highest paid in the job industry. Since it is very crucial that the patient is provided with the right amount of anesthesia, these experts have to take additional care. They have to keep a track of the patient's vital signs when the surgery is in process. After the surgery is successfully complete, they have to administer medications to regain consciousness of the patient. Apart from surgery-based anesthetics, they even treat patients with severe pain. Anesthesiologists definitely play a very important role in not letting the patient feel pain during the operation.

Due to an increase in people eating junk food and having an irregular lifestyle, there are many cases coming up that are concerned with digestive system problems. This is a main reason why the services of gastroenterologists are in demand. These doctors are required to diagnose and treat disorders related to the digestive system. They are also proficient in the study of nutrition, which can be used to inform patient regarding a healthy diet. They conduct certain medical examinations which can be used to diagnose serious complications such as ulcers, colon cancer, heartburn, etc. Just like anesthesiologists, gastroenterologists are also highly paid in the medical field.

Another specialty in the profession of physicians is that of a urologist. This kind of doctor deals in examining and treating disorders associated to the urinary tract. As urinary tract issues can also have a direct effect on the reproductive system, a urologist is also trained in treating disorders of reproductive system of males. There are several sub-specialties in this career as well; such as laparoscopy, reconstructive urology, urogynecology, neurourology, and similar others. He is also trained in other fields such as pediatrics, medicine, and gynecology. He has to refer to reports generated by performing various tests using fluoroscopes, catheters, X-rays, body scans, etc.

If you have a problem in your foot or ankle, you need to visit a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), simple referred to as a podiatrist. The most common tasks done by a podiatrist is to treat fractures, carry out operations, administer physical therapies, correct deformities on the foot or ankle by using medical procedures. There are some aids and appliances that he may recommend for the legs to help in better movement or function. He also treats various infections and nail problems. The most popular specialties in this area are sports injuries, pediatrics, and geriatrics. A famous podiatrist might even be asked to impart training sessions to the community regarding foot care and hygiene. He has to work very carefully with people having serious food-ankle problems as any wrong diagnosis or treatment may lead to foot amputation.

A homeopath is a medical professional who is trained in homeopathy, a technique which includes using complementary medication prepared by natural materials to treat a wide range of health problems. Dispersed in the form of tablets, these medicines stimulate natural substances in the body which help in curing a particular disease. It is not that homeopaths treat only a specific number of diseases but a variety; such as skin disorders, diabetes, to any kind of psychological problems. Along with medicines, a homeopath also suggests certain lifestyle changes like nutrition and daily exercise. He might have to administer acupuncture therapy, reiki, and herbal remedies on patients. Remember that homeopaths might not call themselves as 'physicians' unless they have a proper medical license.

The types of doctors and their duties differ greatly as per specializations. The more specializations these doctors opt for, more are their career and income prospects. There are many more doctors who treat and cure several other diseases. Doctors are highly skilled in their field, and are well believed of starting to treat a disorder or illness just by their touch. It is surprising how doctors somehow possess the ability to make patients feel good by just a simple talk or a touch.

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