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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tautology Examples

Tautology Examples

Tautology is nothing but repeated use of words or phrases that have a similar meaning. Simply put, it is saying the same thing twice. In this article we'll give you some easy and funny tautology examples that you might be using knowingly or unknowingly.
                                                           Conversation and Speech           
                       tautology example1  
☀ Are these supplies adequate enough?
☀ In my opinion, I think that...
☀ So the organization expects joint cooperation from its members.
☀ This is a short summary of...
☀ It was his usual, habitual custom to have a bacon sandwich for breakfast.
☀ One after the other in succession...
☀ To reiterate again.
☀ Close proximity.
☀ They decided to return again for a second time to that old ancient house.
☀ 3 a.m. in the morning.
☀ Necessary requirement.
☀ Lonely isolation.
☀ I had a tuna fish sandwich.
☀ I went to the extreme end of the line.
☀ I never make predictions, especially about the future.
☀ Thanks to their joint collaboration the archaeologists found the handwritten manuscript in the destroyed ruins of the monastery.
☀ Say it again once more.
☀ Forward planning.
☀ She herself wrote her autobiography of her own life in just two weeks.
☀ The vote was completely and totally unanimous.
☀ Bits and pieces.
☀ First and foremost, lets begin.
☀ I made it with my own hands for you.
☀ A wishful start, one might say, but it was certainly a time of surreal dreams.
☀ The group wanted to climb up to the very summit at the top of the mountain.
☀ The plumber fixed our hot water heater.
☀ All crows are either black, or they are not black.
☀ Seafaring mariner.
☀ The wall was marred by a small, tiny speck of paint.

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