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Monday, August 18, 2014

Gadgets for Men

Gadgets for Men

Today, we take a look at some of the best gadgets that every man would love to own. With prices ranging from a million dollars to under 200 dollars, Buzzle looks at a whole range of gadgets to bring you a list of the most worthy.
Boys and their toys. It is no secret that men go gaga over technology. Even mature men can be reduced to a blubbering wreck with the right gadget. And in today's world, nearly everything is done with the help of technology and computers. There is a gadget that lets you do pretty much anything you want. Tired of using 3 remotes for your
system? No worries, a universal remote is your solution. Tired of getting up to switch off that light? No worries, there are now light bulbs that can be controlled via smartphone. You think of something that needs to be done, and chances are that there is a gadget that can do it for you.

In this smorgasbord of gadgets, which ones are truly useful, and which ones should you own? Buzzle walks hand in hand with you as you peer into the technological world around you, and gives you a ready list of the gadgets that you should own.

Some of these gadgets have to be owned simply because they are the best, or are just so useful that we have no qualms recommending them to you, while others are so advanced, but for all intents and practices useless, but just begged to be owned. Either way, if you have the moolah, there is no way you will regret buying any of the following gadgets that we recommend. So without wasting any more time, let's take a look at some gadgets that will make you drool with desire, and perhaps lull or coax you into robbing that bank round the corner. And with technology improving every second, it may well be that this article becomes obsolete just as soon as I finish writing it, so don't waste any time. Well, you can't say we didn't warn you! 
7 Gadgets That Beg To Be Owned
Apple iPhone

When it comes to smartphones, the market is flooded with options. The choice you will have while choosing a smartphone is enough for even the smartest of you to go mad. To help you out, and mind, this is not a binding decision, Buzzle thinks that the best you can get today is none other than the
. Though there may be many of you who will disagree with me, the iPhone remains the best constructed and sophisticated phone today. Sure, many have tried to copy it, and many have come close, but we'd have no regrets buying the 5s today, and neither should you. With advanced features like fingerprint scanning and a 64 bit OS, the iPhone is still holing its own in the smartphone market, albeit by a thread.

So if you have been stuck in a cave, and are not in possession of a smartphone (you really should have been through your 3rd or 4th one by now), then go ahead and pick up the iPhone 5s today.

Apple iPod touch

Music is the answer to all problems, right? Well, then you ought to have a good music player to listen to your favorite tunes. This is another area where you can get blinded for choice. It seems like every Tom, Dick, and Harry is making a MP3 player these days. And not to forget, almost every phone can play music as well. But we would recommend not to mix your tunes with your calls, and go ahead and spring for a dedicated music player. And to those geniuses who guessed the following, hats off to you. The MP3 player to have today is the Apple iPod touch. Latest generation. Surprised? Well, you shouldn't be. Apple's latest iPod comes with gargantuan memory, ensuring that you can take your entire music library with you wherever you go. And if you are not in possession of item no. 1 on this list, then you should go post-haste and buy one.

But really, the iPod is a stellar music player, and comes highly recommended. Don't worry about money not being well spent. As those people in Nike would say (if Apple hired them, of course), Just. Buy. It.

Multitouch Coffee Table from Ideum

Just to make it seem that I'm not an Apple fan, I'm throwing a coffee table into the mix. No, you didn't get the coffee table part wrong, and I'm not too fussed about being called an Apple fan. But if you're wondering what a coffee table is doing in this list, prepare to be stunned. Built by Ideum, a company that makes special custom hardware and software, this is one coffee table that you won't find in any regular furniture shop. The Multitouch Coffee Table, as it is known, is a table that comes with a 1080p display in 2 sizes, 32-inch and 46-inch. This is backed by a 3.7 Ghz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor, 16 GB of RAM, and 500 GB of storage space. Operating systems can range from the quintessential Windows, to the lighter Android 4.4 KitKat. There are a host of other features that makes this the perfect gadget to drool over, and yes, the display surface is spill-resistant.

Remember that bank we spoke about earlier? Well, you might have to do something with that, as this wonderful piece of gadgetry starts from a whopping USD 7,000.

C Seed Kinematics

Back to something more mundane then, though the latest TVs are anything but mundane. In case the words 'back to' got you thinking, well, this is not the section where I recommend the Apple TV. Not yet. This space is reserved for something better. And what can be a better TV than Kinematics―the world's largest outdoor TV. This is a TV, that in the words of the company, is a "TV that raises from the ground, unfolds the world's largest TV display and adjusts in height and angle for the perfect viewing experience." This TV, if you can call it that, has a screen that measure a mammoth 201 inches diagonally. That's about 115 square feet, or the size of a small room. And did we tell you it lives underground? Yep. That'd be true. When you're done watching, it folds, and retracts back into the ground, where its huge size does not bother anyone.

The cost? At an insane USD 810,000 this gadget probably costs more than your house. But, well, it is designed by Porsche. If you're done drooling, we'd suggest a infinitely more affordable 4K TV for now, which is manufactured by all leading TV makers. At roughly around USD 5,000, this is still expensive, but is the best practical TV money can buy right now.

PlayStation 4 / Microsoft Xbox One

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So, you have to go get Jack one of the latest gaming consoles in the market. How do you choose? Simple, get the one which offers the complimentary 'Jack and the Beanstalk' game. Jokes aside, the two options that you will have to consider in this category are the Xbox One, and the PS4. Both are robust gaming systems, with all the bells and whistles, and if you are an avid gamer, then your decision should be based on the titles that each have. Fanatics will want to know even the minor differences between the two, though as we mentioned, both are highly capable, and are the latest offerings from the manufactures at the time of writing. They are in the USD 400 to USD 500 price range, and either is a good buy you keep you from becoming dull.

We'd recommend the Xbox over the PS for the simple reason that motion gaming is far easier with Microsoft's product.

Canon EOS 6D

So that iPhone you should have ordered by now, (really, you still haven't?) is quite capable of taking good pictures. So why should you buy a
separately? For one, if you are a serious photographer, then a D-SLR is a must for those perfect pictures. And second, like we said, let your phone be your phone. Its fine to snap off a quick pic or two with it, but imagine how you'd look at a photoshoot just armed with your iPhone. Don't combine the two, and spring for a good camera that will help keep the memory of your insaner days alive. Even if you are not serious about photography, we think you should have a good point and shoot always at hand. The Canon EOS 6D is a good D-SLR that comes in the under USD 2,000 range, while the Canon PowerShot Elph 330 HS is a good point and shoot at under USD 200.

Buy a camera that will last you a while, so look for bells and whistles like integrated Wi-Fi and the like. There are many options, and depending on the money you want to spend, you can decide on the best one.

Alienware Aurora

When it comes to buying computers, you should be very careful and choosy, as these are the fastest to get outdated. You should always have a powerful and trusty desktop machine at home, irrespective of the number of laptops you own. Again, there are a lot of options available in the market, and you can choose the best one according your requirements and your budget. If these two points are not a cause for concern, then the Alienware Aurora, which comes with an Intel® Core™ i7-4960X Extreme Processor (6-cores, 15MB Cache, Overclocked up to 4.3GHz w/TurboBoost), 32 GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 8990 6GB GDDR5 Dual GPU Card, 30-inch Dell monitor, premium liquid cooling, and 6 TB RAID 0 setup, is a worthy choice. This will set you back about USD 6,000, and if you'd rather not break the bank, then you can opt for the basic configuration of the Aurora, which comes with an Intel® Core™ i7-4820K Processor (10M Cache, up to 3.90 GHz), AMD Radeon™ R9 270 with 2GB GDDR5 memory, 8 GB RAM, 2TB HDD, and 24-inch monitor, which will just about touch the USD 2,000 mark. Of course, cheaper options do exist, but will not feature in this list for obvious reasons.

There you have it. 7 of the most wanted gadgets that men should have. And if you are among those dissatisfied, then here are some oh-so-boring options for you.
Lytro Camera
Galaxy Gear
Oculus Rift
Google Glass
Beats By Dr. Dre
Bluetooth Speaker
Philips Hue
iPad Air
Lenovo Yoga 2
Fitbit Flex
Garmin Watch
Portable Photo Printer
Remote Controlled Drone
Mobile Pocket Projector
Segway PT
ZonePlayer S5
Huawei E5220 MiFi
Jawbone UP24

Unfortunately, most of these items are way too expensive. But at the rate at which technology is advancing, the prices are sure to come down in the near future. The flip side is that by the time the prices come down, technology will have advanced so far, that there will be far better items to include in such lists. However, till then, there is no harm in looking at these technological marvels and wishing that we had them all. After all, you never know, you just never know!!!

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