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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Famous Unsolved Mysteries of the World

Famous Unsolved Mysteries of the World
Mysteries interest one and all. Here is a list of some of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the world.
The world, we live in, is not as simple as it might seem to be. It is full of unexplained mysteries that raise several questions that remain to be answered till date. There are many such mysterious phenomena, which find no satisfactory explanation in science. Let us look at some of the greatest unsolved mysteries that continue to astound the world.

The Bermuda Triangle: It is the name of a region located in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. It is believed to possess certain supernatural powers due to which aircraft and ships coming in its vicinity disappear. Moreover, researchers have never been able to find the exact cause of the disappearing of vessels and aircraft, neither have they been able to trace the lost objects. The Bermuda Triangle remains an unexplained mystery.

Aliens: How do aliens look? Do they exist? Well, there is no proof that they do. However, there is also no proof that they do not! Then what to believe in? Some people speak of having seen aliens or even having interacted with them, while others laugh it out. The supposed existence of aliens is still a mystery.

Unidentified Objects: Unidentified objects, abbreviated as UFOs, are disk-like objects seen in the night sky. Some of them glow and have lights. People claim to have seen them float in sky or fly across speedily. It is said that they could be spaceships or vehicles of the aliens traveling to Earth. A substance resembling fine hair is believed to fall from the UFOs as they fly across the sky. This substance is termed as 'angel hair'. When analyzed, it was thought of as being a unicellular organism. However, falls of angel hair reported in many parts of the US and Europe are an unsolved mystery.

Supernatural Orbs: Imagine if spirits of the dead were to appear in our world, how would they look? Well, some think that they glide across the skies in the form of sparks or flashes of light and refer to them as supernatural orbs. It still remains to be answered whether orbs are paranormal.

Ghosts: Do you believe in ghosts? Do you claim to have seen one? Although I haven't seen a ghost till now, I do not dare to deny the possibility of their existence. And this happens with many of us, as we have been listening to horror stories since childhood while also knowing of science disapproving their authenticity. No one can say for sure whether ghostly creatures exist. Ghosts continue to mystify many.

Sasquatch: It is also known as Bigfoot and is believed as being an ape-like creature that inhabits British Colombia and forests of the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Sasquatch is known by various local names in different regions of the world. People narrate stories of Bigfoot sightings. Researchers speak of the possibility that people have been mistaking large bears as Bigfoots. However, there has been no conclusive result whether a Sasquatch really exists.

Crystal Skulls: Archaeologists have found about thirteen crystal skulls in parts of Mexico as well as Central and South America. They are 5000- to 36000-year-old human-like skulls made out of milky crystal rock. They have mysterious connections with the life in the ancient world. They are believed as having certain supernatural powers. How could someone think of crafting skulls from rocks? Why do they resemble skulls of human beings?

Egyptian Pyramids: The Egyptian pyramids stand as an epitome of the ancient Egyptian culture and civilization. Step pyramids were believed to make way for the souls of the pharaohs to travel towards the heaven. The shape of the pyramids represents the rays of the Sun while their names refer to the sunlight. Pyramids were believed to provide the pharaohs with the means to resurrect. The Egyptian beliefs, which formed the basis of the pyramid construction and the mysterious stories that surround pyramids, continue to interest many.

Ancient Egyptian Mummies: Derived from the Arabic word, 'mummiyah' meaning bitumen, an Egyptian Mummy is the name given to a preserved dead body. The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death and hence preserved the bodies of the deceased. The bodies were preserved by means of the process of mummification that involved washing the body, removing the vital organs from it, followed by wrapping it with linen. What made ancient Egyptians believe in eternal life and what made them mummify bodies of their loved ones, is still a mystery.

Life after Death: Do we cease to live after death? My question might sound weird. But there are people who believe in the idea of life after death. There are people who believe is being reborn after death. What happens to a person when he/she dies? Does the person take birth? These questions are yet to be answered. Some of those who believe in rebirth also believe in past life memories. Past life regression techniques are used to retrieve memories of one's past life. In fact, how memories are created, stored and retrieved is, in itself, an unsolved mystery.

Location of Ancient Sites on Earth: Some of the very ancient sites are mysteriously aligned along the same straight line on the globe. The Nazca lines, the geoglyphs in the Nazca desert believed to bear a religious significance, the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Easter Island are situated along the same straight line. The lost city of Petra, the capital of ancient Persia and Mohenjo-daro, an ancient civilization of the Indus Valley are located within a degree of this alignment. Isn't that interestingly mysterious?

These were a few of the unexplained mysteries of the world. Long years of research might be able to find answers to some of them while many will remain unresolved for generations to come!

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